PCB fabrication

  • Chinese Circuit Board Factory 8 Layer Quick Turn Green PCB Assembly Services
Chinese Circuit Board Factory 8 Layer Quick Turn Green PCB Assembly Services

Chinese Circuit Board Factory 8 Layer Quick Turn Green PCB Assembly Services

Chinese Circuit Board Factory 8 Layer Quick Turn PCB Assembly Services


Basic information:

Board size: 16*15CM

Layer: 8 layer printed circuit board

Solder mask: Green

Copper weight: 2OZ

Material: FR4

Name: 8 layer Multilayer PCB fabrication

Blind hole and via filled and capped:yes

Min line:4mil

Min hole:0.25MM


The difference of 4/6/8 layer pcb:

Generally 4 layer pcb: SIGGND(PWR)PWR(GND)SIG

6 layer pcb have 3 different arrange way

8 layer pcb have 3 different arrange way,see below:


1 Signal 1 components side, microstrip line layer

2 Signal 2 inner microstrip line layer

3 Ground

4 Signal 3 Stripline line layer

5 Signal 4 Stripline line layer

6 Power

7 Signal 5 inner microstrip line layer

8 Signal 6 microstrip line layer


Due to the increase of the reference layer, with good EMI performance, the signal layer of the characteristic impedance can be well controlled

1 Signal  components side, microstrip line layer

2 Ground GND,Good electromagnetic wave absorption capacity

3 Signal  Stripline line layer

4 Power PWR, and the underlying formation constitutes excellent electromagnetic absorption

5 Ground GND

6 Signal  Stripline line layer

7 Power GND, With a large power supply impedanc

8 Signal Stripline line layer


The best stacking mode, because the use of multilayer ground reference plane has a very good magnetic absorption capacity

1 Signal components side, microstrip line layer

2 Ground GND,Good electromagnetic wave absorption capacity

3 Signal Stripline line layer

4 Power PWR, and the underlying formation constitutes excellent electromagnetic absorption

5 Ground GND

6 Signal Stripline line layer

7 Ground GND,Good electromagnetic wave absorption capacity

8 Signal Stripline line layer

EMC of these types of circuit boards is still a big difference, if it is high-speed version, then consider EMC, then at least 8 layers, 4 signal layers, in accordance with the signal - ground - signal - ground - power - signal - ground Of the arrangement in order to take the four signal layers are high-speed signal lines


How to design multilayer pcb layer number:

For how to choose the design with multilayers and the stack, need according to the number of signal on the circuit board, device density, PIN density, signal frequency, board size and many other factors. For these factors we have to consider. The more the number of signal networks, the greater the density of the device, the greater the density of the PIN, the higher the frequency of the signal should be designed with multilayer design. It is best to ensure that each signal layer has its own reference layer for good EMI performance.


Contact Us

Contact: Flexible PCB

Phone: 0086 18682010757

E-mail: kico@oneseine.com

Add: B area,101 Buliding,No12,Fushan 2th Road,Doumen,Zhuhai,China